Yuce Medical Supplies
- While continuing its activities in the health sector since 1983, its recognition was in 1997 with the production of gauze. Having undergone a rapid revision since 2007, Yüce Medical Gereçler has added products such as gauze, sponges, pads, gas buffers, cotton bales, ear sticks, sterilization rolls and dental cotton to its product range with its 250 employees and 25,000 m2 closed facility.
- SSM surgical sutures have been used safely in more than 1000 hospitals for more than 20 years. SSM Products, which are used safely in Turkey's leading Universities, State and Private Hospitals, have been exported to many countries in the world, including EU countries, for the last few years. Expanding its product range, our company has tripled its production in recent years. It continues to serve safely in the health sector with its 100 employees and its facility with a closed area of 10.000 m2.
- It started plastic medical equipment production in 2015 with aspiration bags, oxygen masks and breathing circuits. It continues to expand its product range and provide added value to our country under the name of Edinmed.
By fulfilling the requirements of the EU legislation and directives coming with the law no 4703, it has received the accreditation of the EU with the number 2764, 14079 Conformity, ISO 9001 Quality Management System, EN ISO 13485 Quality Management System for Medical Devices and CE 2764 documents and successfully passes the routine controls. . Yüce Medical Supplies carries out production in 3 stages with its Sterile and Non-Sterile production competencies.
Production is carried out in Class 100, Class 1000 and Class 10000 clean areas; Packaging and sterilization of the products are carried out.
Quality control tests of the products are performed in our laboratories; regarding biological residue, moisture, peeling, rupture, resistance and penetration.
Products are packaged in a preferred way and shipped.